iPhone 5S Finally the day for Apple’s much-awaited event has arrived. SApple has launched the two new phones viz, the iPhone 5S an upgraded version of the existing iPhone 5 and the much talked about iPhone 5C, a cheaper iPhone set to compete with Samsung and others in developing yet huge markets like China and India. Here is what the rumour mills have to say about the features and pricing of the iPhone 5S and the iPhone 5C: Apple iPhone 5S Features and Pricing The Apple iPhone 5S is expected to retain the same design, much like what Apple usually does with their 'S' branded ones with some bump in the internal features of the devices. New Colors: The iPhone 5S is supposed to be launched in two new colours - champagne gold and a lighter grey version. Fingerprint Scanner: Called Touch ID, the scanner has been the most talked about feature of the yet to be launched flagship device. A biometric scanner was always on the cards after Apple’s acquisition of ...